Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Okay. Stressed. Very stressed.

I leave tomorrow. I know I said I wouldn't put a picture of my room up, but this is what it looked like this morning:

This is a marked improvement from the last couple days. The bed is gone - the dresser is empty - the closet is completely packed up - the books are all in boxes - and bags are packed (the third iteration - there will probably be at least two more repacking sessions)

And this is what my room looks like right now:

The dresser is gone (to Molly's house!) - more boxes are packed up - all of Kingsley's stuff is in the corner - and my bags are still mostly packed (in the right corner - you can't really see them).

I am currently watching So You Think You Can Dance (I don't know what I'm going to do without this show this summer!!!) and eating cookie dough. When the show is over, I am going to pull everything out of my bags, go through it all, and repack it all into the bags again. I'm trying to whittle things down a bit. Not because I have no room, but because I don't need everything that I have packed. 

I don't leave until 5:35 tomorrow evening from Denver, so I have the morning to do my last minute shopping and packing and cleaning. Kessy (Erin Kesler to those of you not in the know) is picking me up at 1ish and we're going out to lunch. She's going to be gone in the Dominican Republic for Peace Corps with her hubby when I get back, so I don't know when I'll get to see her next :(

My next post will be from overseas (who knows where from really because it all depends on internet access and time). Be assured that it will be amazing, though!

Goodnight and Goodluck.

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