Thursday, June 28, 2012

sarajevo living: learning and progressing.

So, we're settling down here in Sarajevo.  I think I have mastered the art of maneuvering through the main market and figured out how to get around certain areas of town.  I also have become somewhat adept at purchasing items from the meat and fruit markets (pictures to come later - I might have forgotten to take them the past 2 days).  This means that I bought farm fresh eggs and some bell peppers and red onion to make wonderful and delicious scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning.  I know, it's shocking that I cooked, but I documented it for you as proof:

You should all be impressed by this point - just so you know.

And the finished result:

The eggs were delicious. They could have used a little salt (and probably a few more veggies, some cheese, and perhaps some meat tomorrow), but everything in the cupboards is in Bosnian - I didn't want to put arsenic or some sort of cleaning solvent on my eggs, so I decided to eat them as is.  The farm fresh eggs makes a major difference in taste - I have no idea how I will go back to store-bought when I get home.

I know you have all been wondering what in the world we are actually doing out here.  We each have our own internships.  Mine is with Foundation Cure (if you have Google Chrome you can translate the page into English - well, mostly into English).  It turns out that they thought we weren't coming until July 18th, so while everyone else has been figuring out their internships and getting settled in different offices my supervisor has been on vacation.  Today we (Kelsey - the other person at my internship - and I) were able to go see where the office is located (only about a 15 minute walk - yay!) and meet a couple of the people we will be working with.

First good piece of news is that I have not yet had to drink coffee. Since Bosnian culture revolves around coffee (Turkish style), I was afraid I would have to drink it all the time.  I'm sure at some point I will have to stomach it, but for now I am able to drink juice :)

This is a short introduction into what CURE is all about.  I'll fill everyone in a bit more as I find out more of what I'm doing.  I'm just happy it's close and it seems like an incredible organization!

I'll leave you with a bit of fun. There are these little juice stands throughout the part of the city we live in that make fresh squeezed orange juice for 2KM (about $1.40) - it looked good so we stopped at one yesterday.

The oranges go on either side and the juice is squeezed out and strained so there is no pulp!

Needless to say, we thought it was delicious!

(p.s. the pigeons in this area freak me out considerably!)

That's all for now. We head to Mostar tomorrow, so I'm sure there will be a post in the near future with our adventures and learning there. Love you all and miss you!

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