Much goes into the preparation for an excursion such as I am about to undertake. Mentally I've been preparing since I was accepted into the Project Bosnia program. My packing preparation has been taking place for weeks now. I do several iterations of packing so as not to forget anything important. Lists are made and remade. Countless trips to Walmart are taken (it would be Target, but I can't seem to go into that store without buying half of the things I see - I don't have that problem with Walmart).
Now, it's crunch time! Not only am I packing for my trip, but I'm also packing my life away in boxes. This is for the convenience of my brother and Hollie, but also just in case I manage to get a job and need to leave the second I get back from Europe. My room is an absolute mess. I would include a picture, but it would probably scare the children.
My current quandary lies around what to pack. Not only am I spending the summer working an internship at a location to which I have never been (and therefore have no idea what I might need beyond the recommendations of people who have been before), but I am also attempting to pack for a 3 week backpacking trip across Europe. Those of you who know me well know that I am not a light packer. Not because I am high maintenance, but because I am a "pack for all contingencies" person. What if my sandals break? What if someone steals something that I only brought one of? What if there is a freak snow storm in the middle of Sarajevo? (okay I'm not packing for a freak snow storm, but I still feel like I should) This is how my mind works. I also try to bring enough things to share just in case someone else didn't bring something. You would think with so much traveling in my past that I would have this down to a science now. Alas, it is not so. I need help!
Beyond all of this, I have to say goodbye to everyone! Some people may not be in Denver when I get back, so who knows when I'll see them again :( I finished up my last shift at the Mac Grill on Saturday and had to say goodbye to everyone there. They were so sweet and everyone pitched in for a card and gift cards! (Including $50 to Amazon Kindle - they know me so well!) I cannot wait to sit down once everything is packed and get some new books for the summer - I've had my eye on a few for a while! A big thank you to all of you, and while I will not miss the Mac Grill (no surprises there), I will miss all of you dearly and we'll have a party when I get back :)
I am just all around horrible at goodbyes. So everyone I did not see or get a chance to talk to, I hope you have a wonderful summer and that you don't melt in this ridiculous Denver heat. To those that I did see, I apologize if it was awkward. Awkward goodbyes are my specialty.
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