Sunday, July 22, 2012

Do and Don't: Getting to Dubrovnik Edition.

So. Dubrovnik. It's amazing.

We just got back this evening, and I. Am. Exhausted. Therefore, this is part 1 of 3 (I think I'll do 3) - our adventure getting to Dubrovnik. The picture quality isn't the greatest for this post because of said adventures...

Do: take Harry Potter things with you - conversation starters and entertainment all rolled into one.

Don't: freak out when they collect your passports at the border. They take them all and stamp them at once and then give them back to you. 

Do: admire the Croatian countryside.

Don't: get stuck in a 2.5 hour traffic jam (it was actually really sad - 2 people from Slovenia were hit by a car and died - the driver of the car is still in critical condition)

Do: make the best of the situation by watching "Friends" with your travel buddy.

Do: look at the beautiful sunset

Don't: walk behind the bus to get this shot of the lovely sight - as the bus will take off without you (with your passport, money, and all of your belongings) - you will frantically run after the bus - a very nice Montenegrin family that you met at the sunset viewing session will pull you into their car and chase down the bus for you - so everything turns out okay in the end. (the entire bus population will clap when you manage to make it back on the bus - it's okay to take a bow)

Do: share "Friends" with the rest of the bus (it's kind of rude to hog it)...

it's a great way to make new friends.

Do: get really excited when you make it to Dubrovnik - and get creative in finding a way to your hostel since you missed your shuttle by 3 hours.

Don't: listen to local bus drivers when they say they know where your hostel is - they will lead you to a random hostel that is further away then where you were to begin with.

Do: split off from people if you must in order for everyone to get a bed to sleep in for the night. Just make sure to take a couple of your new friends with you - you will become the best of buds over the next couple days.

Do: rejoice and relax when you finally make it to your hostel at 1:30am - get a drink at the bar and stay up chatting and giggling with your two new friends until 3:30am.

Do: be amazed by the gorgeous view from your own personal balcony at your hostel - that's the Adriatic!

Do: get up in the morning and walk to the beach.

Don't: jump off of this boat - it's written in two languages in all caps - someone means business.

Do: make friends with the local wildlife - in this case, Kat and baby crabs.

Do: lay out and tan - generally enjoying the beauty, sunshine, and sea air.

Don't: be afraid to get into the water - the water isn't that cold and it's probably been a while since you've been in ocean water seeing as you've been living in Denver for 2 years.

Do: relax as much as you can - this is just the beginning...

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