Welcome to another fantastic edition of Do and Don't - hiking Sarajevo edition. We were told of a fantastic hike to a waterfall outside Sarajevo. It's supposed to be the tallest waterfall in Bosnia and an excellent excursion.
Do: follow what the guidebook calls "well-marked signs" and start the hike out on a high note.
Don't: be phased by steep hills - there will be many of these throughout the hike and this one really isn't as bad as ones you will see later.
Do: enjoy the views - stop often.
Don't: forget to take random pretty pictures with your fancy cam - they make excellent background pictures.
Do: question the integrity of your guidebook when it says that the path is clearly marked - you will continue to encounter things like this and wonder which way you're supposed to go.
Do/Don't (depending upon your viewpoint) listen to the kind cyclist as he gives you shortcuts to get to the waterfall and take the right fork - the road less traveled.
Do: continue to stop and rest - it's a very steep walk.
Do: take pictures of the local wildlife.
Do: stop at the little waterfall to refill your waterbottles and cool off - realize that you have not come across the waterfall you're looking for yet (or any other hikers for that matter), so this is probably the biggest waterfall you'll see all day.
Don't: get discouraged - even if you don't actually find the waterfall you were looking for, there are some amazingly GORGEOUS views from where you're hiking - take pleasure and joy in them.
Don't: leave the path - as inviting as that tree in the distance looks, you don't know where landmines are - it would put a major damper on the rest of your European adventure to step on one.
Do: explore the local fruits - the baby apple just might taste amazing.
Do: question the integrity of your guidebook that said the trail would be very clearly marked when you've been hiking for 3 hours on a 2 hour hike and still have seen no evidence of a waterfall.
Do: admire the waving wheat in the steady breeze - it's quite gorgeous.
Don't: stop hiking just because you don't think you'll find the waterfall - keep following the path with the faith that you must find something awesome at some point.
Do: continue to take pretty pictures with your fancy cam - you don't get it out enough and it feels lonely.
Do: feel a sense of accomplishment when you crest the hill and see the amazing view from the top.
Do: marvel at your view of Sarajevo - even through the smog it's incredible.
Do: take time to stop and relax on your way down with your kindle - it's relaxing and provides a nice break from the long hike.
Don't: be afraid when little friends come to join you - they're cute.
Do: document your literary excursion in the Bosnian hillside with a photo.
Don't: forget to have a picture taken of yourself, as well.
Do: rush back when you realize that the bus is leaving in 15 minutes and you're still about 20 minutes away...
...then get really excited when you realize you made the bus with plenty of time to spare.
Do: lament over the fact that you didn't see the waterfall - but make plans to come back and find the waterfall another day.
Do: have a random person take a picture of you at the end of your hike - your exhausted and sweaty, but you feel a sense of accomplishment after 5 1/2 hours of hiking and are quite pleased with yourselves.
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